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Top 5 Hospitality Technology Trends for 2022

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Technology has swept most industries forward into the 21st century – including the hospitality industry, constantly advancing services and capabilities up to the next level. So as we move into 2022, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the trends coming with us into the New Year.

To help the modern hotelier, we have pulled out the top five new technology trends in the hospitality industry to integrate in 2022. Using these, you will find the means to enhance customer satisfaction, cut costs, and streamline time-consuming processes.

1. Tech Optimization for Booking

Hospitality Trends in technology are meant to make each part of the entire hotel process easier on guests and staff. Naturally, then, these strides in technology start where your guests do: reserving a room.

Hospitality professionals often think companies like Airbnb control a niche market in the world of apps. While these apps do take up a sizable market share, traditional hospitality businesses have means to harness similar booking systems. Apps like Booking.com and Priceline partner with hospitality businesses to assist with tracking and managing room reservations online.

Because so much has shifted from phone reservations to online bookings, using new hotel technology trends like this can significantly increase your venue’s booking value.

2. Specialized Software Systems (SaaS Tech)

SaaS technology makes working processes more efficient across industries, including hospitality. ‘SaaS’ stands for ‘Software as a Service,’ meaning you can rent a platform for your use on a subscription basis.

SaaS tech in the hospitality industry can help with a wide variety of services. Programs help automate check-in, track schedules, take care of revenue reporting, and more. One leader in this field is AltexSoft, a developer specializing in software product development and integration for midsize businesses. Tech like those produced by AltexSoft elevates the experience of any hotelier.

3. Cloud-Based Operations

To less tech-savvy hoteliers, ‘the cloud’ might sound like a relatively abstract idea. Generally, you can think of it as an internet-based location to store all your information without taking up large amounts of space on your computer.

Syncing your data to cloud-based CRM apps can help you boost your operational efficiency and decrease costs. It also increases the accessibility of operations and information to your entire team.

Cloud-based operations allow any hotelier to quickly access your PMS (Property Management System) system from any mobile device, no matter their location. Combined with a fully integrated business system, you can use this new hotel technology trend to effectively manage your operating system no matter where you are.

4. Automation

Hospitality guests strive for their experience to be as convenient as possible. Creating automated functions both streamlines the customer experience and cuts back on overall operation costs. Automated systems take on quite a load, responding to visitor questions and quickly dealing with reports and queries amongst other tasks. Data confirms that these processes bolster increased customer satisfaction.

Automated systems also allow the hotelier to collect valuable data on the preferences of their customers. Eventually, this information provides actionable leads that can create an enhanced customer experience overall.

5. Enhanced Protection with Cybersecurity

Increased integration of technology should always go hand-in-hand with enhanced cybersecurity. Without it, the entire hospitality system is at risk— hackers can attack private data from employees, customers, and management staff. Unfortunately, data security breaches are far too common in this industry, including attacks on large service providers like the Hilton and Marriott.

Modern hospitality apps have enhanced cyber security measures already integrated in their systems. Additionally, any of the optimization processes you use, including apps and software, should have enhanced cybersecurity measures.

It is best to take a deep dive into their security measures before implementing them in your system. It’s also essential to to replace any existing systems that don’t have stringent cybersecurity measures put in place. Ultimately these efforts will greatly benefit you and your business.

As technology rapidly pushes the hospitality industry into exciting new possibilities, your business needs to keep up to compete. Each of these trends will do wonders to streamline and optimize your hospitality experience. Because the industry is consistently growing, this list is by no means exhaustive. Stay connected with our site to keep track of the latest trends sweeping the industry.