Delight hotel guests with HD TV and the most popular sports, news, and entertainment channels.
Interactive Guest
Personalize the experience with guest account, express checkout, and digital concierge features.
movies & more
Grow revenues with newly released Hollywood Hit Movies & the latest Adult content on-demand.
OTT Content
Exceed expectations with
premium OTT streaming
apps like Netflix and
Deliver The Best Guest-Facing Hotel In-Room Entertainment
Engage and Drive Revenue with Hotel Guest-Room Entertainment (GRE)
Hotels have always been at the forefront of in-room entertainment, such as satellite programming, on-demand movies, and premium content. As modern programming continues to evolve, now more than ever guests expect the same comforts and conveniences while traveling as they have in their own homes.
Hospitality Network supports the entire in-room guest experience:
- OTT Streaming of Guest Favorites like Netflix and Youtube
- Property specific Free-to-Guest HD TV line ups
- Customizable platform allows hotels to extend their brand messaging
- iGuestbook® Interactive Guest Services
- Drive incremental revenue via direct marketing and advertising
- All digital compendium, furthering a contactless guest journey

More Smart Technology Solutions for Hotels
Internet bandwidth via a national network
for hotels, convention centers, stadiums,
and other large venues.
monetization tools, help desk support
and NOC services.
Personalized Content Delivery & Entertainment

Personalize the Guest Experience with Smart In-Room Entertainment
- Expanded In-Room Entertainment Options
- Customized Marketing Modules
- Branded for Your Specific Property
- Integration with Hotel Property Management Systems (PMS)
- Enabled IoT Smart Room Integration
We can help your team design to accommodate your current network infrastructure and your guests’ needs.
In-Room Entertainment (IRE)
Digitize, Personalize, and Monetize the Hotel Guest Journey with HN’s In-Room Entertainment (IRE) Systems
Personalized Content Delivery
Today’s travelers expect their hotel entertainment options to surpass their home experience. Deliver the content guests crave, from Hollywood movies, free-to-guest TV, and OTT streaming options like Netflix and Youtube.
Integrated Smart Room Technology
Smart hotels deliver next-level in-room experiences that offer desirable features and streamlined entertainment options. Create an inviting room ambiance and a superior viewing experience that’s scalable across a range of property sizes and room designs.
Customizable Marketing Platform
Strengthen your hotel brand and elevate the guest experience. Hospitality Network’s in-room entertainment system is a customizable marketing platform designed for hoteliers, allowing them to inform, engage, and entertain their hotel guests.

Proud to Partner with the Industry’s Best Content Providers

Accommodate Rising Guest Expectations
Stay Ahead of the Next Wave of Guest Experience Trends & Hotel In-Room Entertainment Systems
Providing outstanding guest experiences begins with ensuring your guests feel at home. Factor in evolving tech trends and rising consumer expectations, and today’s hotels can’t afford to remain complacent with their in-room entertainment offerings.
Hoteliers who have yet to overhaul out-dated systems should consider the implications that modern entertainment experiences will have on existing networks. For some hotels, that means upgrading networks to support increased connectivity demands of new entertainment systems.
At Hospitality Network, we’ll determine your network requirements and integrate the systems needed to support guests today and well into the future.

More On In-Room Entertainment
Ready for a Next Level Guest Experience?
Contact us for a free consultation with one of our dedicated hospitality reps.