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Why HSIA is More Important Than Ever for Hotel Guests

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Hotel guests have always expected access to cutting-edge amenities during their stay. Resorts offer opportunities to relax that visitors can’t access at home, from pristine pools to the latest in entertainment.

Today, guest expectations for high-speed internet access at hotels are no exception. Despite this, many hotels have WiFi worse than what guests have at home, rather than better. To match the needs of travelers, hotels need HSIA (high-speed internet access).

In this guide to high-speed internet access for hotel guests, we’ll explore the definition of HSIA, which guests expect it and why they do, and how to implement a powerful network in your hotel. Let’s get started.

What is HSIA, and Why Do Guests Expect It?

what is hsia and why do guests expect itHSIA is an acronym for high-speed internet access. For hotels, this term encompasses both wired and wireless internet service coverage, from guest rooms to common spaces, and even poolside.

Simply put, guests have come to expect HSIA at hotels because they can access it nearly everywhere else. According to the FCC, ​​nearly 90% of all Americans have access to internet connections of at least 100mbps. Restaurants, cafes, and even public spaces offer access to high-speed internet; if your hotel doesn’t have a strong network, guests will see your property as dated and obsolete.

A Guide to Guests Who Need High-Speed Internet Access

guide to high speed internet access for hotel guests

A few subsections of guests crave high-speed internet access in particular. While this is by no means a comprehensive list, each of these groups demands HSIA for specific reasons.

Digital Nomads

Digital nomads are remote workers who regularly travel from place to place, rather than signing a long-term lease or mortgage for an apartment or house. These guests are often bloggers, freelance writers, software developers, or Amazon sellers, among a variety of other jobs that allow for remote work. While traveling, digital nomads stay at hostels, Airbnbs, and of course hotels.

Because they make their living online, HSIA is a must-have for digital nomads. Some digital nomads, like website designers and software developers, work within online frameworks. Should your network crash, these workers can lose hours of progress, sometimes destroying a full day of income.

Bleisure Travelers

As the name would imply, bleisure travelers combine business and leisure while traveling. Traditionally, these hotel guests travel to a location for business, before staying a few extra days to perform more leisure-based activities. With the rise of work from home, however, some bleisure tourists travel to work remotely in a new location.

Like digital nomads, bleisure travelers rely on high-speed internet to work while staying at your hotel. If your hotel fails to provide reliable internet service, you lose out on the bleisure demographic.

Staycation Guests

Staycations offer an escape from the routines of everyday life without breaking the bank for an expensive vacation. Like they would on a typical vacation, staycation guests explore new areas, visit museums, and enjoy hotel amenities. They do so, however, within driving distance of their homes, rather than hundreds of miles away.

Guests taking advantage of staycations require HSIA for a variety of needs. Sometimes these travelers want to spend a night streaming high-quality video content from their rooms. Other times, parents will need to check in with work as their kids enjoy hotel pools or game rooms. No matter what reason, high-speed internet access is a must for staycationists.

Encouraging Repeat Guest Visits Using HSIA

increase guest satisfaction score with hsia

Regardless of if a guest fits into the categories above, HSIA can offer a great way to encourage repeat visits from satisfied guests.

Digital nomads and bleisure travelers often network online, whether to gain their next gig or find new places to travel. If HSIA delivers, former guests may mention your property as a potential place to visit. As more guests leave satisfied with internet connectivity, more guests will come seeking it.

HSIA can also incentivize guests to take guest satisfaction surveys. If your hotel offers multiple tiers of WiFi, you can offer complimentary access to a higher tier upon a guest’s next visit should they fill it out.

How to Ensure Reliable HSIA in Hospitality

Ensuring HSIA at hotels and resorts requires the backing of a reliable internet service provider. Without a trustworthy, transparent provider, internet connectivity can come as fast as it goes. The only thing worse than not providing HSIA at all is offering an unreliable network.

Worried about the cost of maintaining a powerful network? Hoteliers can offer tiered WiFi plans to let guests choose WiFi connectivity that best suits their needs. Implementing an HSIA hotel charge is a common practice; travelers will be happy to pay for unparalleled internet service.

With multiple plans and a consistent provider, hotels position themselves for successful HSIA. Where, then, can hoteliers find these services?

Implement an HSIA Network With Hospitality Network

Hospitality Network provides hospitality IoT solutions to hotels, convention centers, and stadiums across the country, offering increased bandwidth for larger events and custom plans based on your property. From digital nomads to vacationers, our HSIA meets guest expectations.

Looking to implement HSIA for your hotel? Request a consultation with Hospitality Network today.