< Increase Trade Show Vendor Attendance Using Reliable Event WiFi
increase trade show vendor attendance with event wifi

Increase Trade Show Vendor Attendance Using Reliable Event WiFi

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Increase Trade Show Vendor Attendance Using Reliable Event WiFi

Creating a successful trade show takes time, effort, and planning. One of the most critical aspects of putting on a great show is having quality vendor turnout. However, getting vendors to attend your event can be difficult if you are not equipped with all the necessary amenities they have come to expect, like HSIA, access points, etc. One way to ensure that vendors will want to attend your event is by offering reliable event WiFi. This article discusses why reliable WiFi is essential for trade shows and how you can use it to increase vendor turnout, thereby resulting in greater revenue opportunities.

Common Trade Show Problems

Trade shows are filled with new people, products, and opportunities. However, they can also be chaotic environments with many moving parts. It is not uncommon for trade show organizers to run into problems with a lack of vendor turnout due to technical issues. The three most common technical problems that can occur during these events are:

Problem #1: Lack of Internet Connectivity

One of the most common—and potentially catastrophic—problems at a trade show is a lack of Internet connectivity. If your venue does not have reliable, high-speed internet, exhibitors cannot connect to their e-commerce platforms, process credit card transactions, or even send and receive emails. It can lead to lost sales, frustrated exhibitors, and angry customers.

Problem #2: Slow or Unstable WiFi Signal

Another common problem is a slow or unstable WiFi signal caused by too many people trying to connect to the same network, interference from other devices on the show floor, or simply an overloaded network. As a result, exhibitors and attendees alike may have difficulty connecting to the Internet, broadcasting presentation materials, live streaming, or accessing essential files stored in the cloud.

Problem #3: Difficulty Connecting to Conference Networks

If your venue hosts conferences or other events that require attendees to connect to an internal network, you may occasionally run into problems with people being unable to connect or losing their connection intermittently. This can be caused by outdated network hardware, incorrect network settings, or simply too many people trying to connect simultaneously.

the importance of reliable wifi networks for trade shows

Why Is Reliable WiFi Important for Trade Shows?

At its core, a trade show connects people with products and services. Here are some reasons why providing WiFi is vital for trade show vendors.

Vendors Need Internet Access to Exhibit Products and Services

To showcase their products and services properly, trade show vendors need to be able to connect to the Internet. The trade show WiFi system allows them to load website pages, showcase digital products, stream video content, post to social media, and connect with their company data. Without Internet access, many of the products and services that vendors want to exhibit can’t be shown properly.

Vendors Require WiFi Access to Sync with Their Smart Technology Systems

An increasing number of trade shows are incorporating smart technology features into their exhibits. For example, many exhibits now use tablets or large touchscreen displays to interact with visitors. For these devices to work properly, they need to be connected to the Internet via WiFi. Otherwise, they’ll be expensive paperweights.

WiFi Enables Vendors to Connect with Customers and Other Exhibitors

WiFi also allows vendors to connect with customers and exhibitors through email, social media, chat apps, and VR live experience platforms. This connection is required to enable vendors to build relationships with potential customers that can continue long after the trade show is over.

WiFi Allows Online Viewers to Participate Live

Finally, trade show Internet allows attendees to live stream and share their experience with viewers who can’t physically be at the venue. This live streaming capability gives trade shows an added layer of publicity and can help attract more attendees in future years.

How Can WiFi Help Make Your Convention Facility More Accommodating?

WiFi is the backbone of a more connected and smarter convention center. With the right system in place, WiFi can help improve the overall quality of your services.

Reduced Wait Times

One of the most frustrating things for guests is waiting in line to use a service. By offering WiFi-enabled kiosk systems, you can drastically reduce the time your guests have to wait in line by allowing them to check in.

Kiosks are quickly becoming commonplace in large venues as they provide a quick and easy way for guests to check in, get directions, or find information about an event. Not only will this reduce wait times for your guests, but it will also free up staff members to focus on other tasks to ensure the best trade show experience possible.

Improved Customer Service

Another benefit of offering WiFi is that it can help improve customer service. By allowing guests to use their own devices to access information or connect with staff members, they can receive help much easier and efficiently.

In addition, some WiFi systems come with features like location tracking that can be used to provide personalized recommendations or targeted ads. For example, if a guest is trying hard to find a specific product or service booth, you could use location tracking to send them a notification about where they can find it. This targeted content can benefit guests and improve their experience at your trade show.

WiFi Can Provide Convention Venues Monetization Opportunities

Although WiFi is an essential service your guests will expect, there are many ways in which leveraging your network effectively can help generate positive ROI.

Partnership with Local Businesses

Convention venues can reach out to local businesses to see if they are interested in sponsoring the venue’s WiFi. It is a wonderful opportunity for companies to get exposure and attract new customers. In addition, businesses may also be interested in advertising on the venue’s website or social media platforms. By partnering with local businesses, venues can generate additional revenue and provide a service that benefits both parties.

Tracking Attendees’ Performance for Future Marketing Strategies

Tracking attendees’ performance is an excellent way for venues to see what areas of the event space need improvement and what areas are doing well. This data can also be used to improve the venue layout and services offered. In addition, this data can provide customized marketing experiences for future visitors.

Develop Better Strategies to Attract Future Vendors

By understanding how attendees use the venue’s WiFi, venues can develop better marketing strategies for attracting future vendors. This data can analyze which venue areas are most popular and which times of day are busiest. This information is valuable for vendors who want to ensure that as many people see their products or services as possible.

increase trade show attendance with wifi coverage

How to Increase Attendance at Trade Shows by Using Better WiFi Coverage

Offering reliable and fast WiFi coverage is the best attraction any convention venue can offer. So how can you make sure your venue has optimal coverage? There are a few things you can do to make sure your trade show has the best WiFi coverage:

Perform a WiFi Site Survey

The first step in improving WiFi coverage is having a WiFi specialist review your property and perform a site survey. This will help you identify weak signal areas and pinpoint where to make changes. It will also help determine how many access points are needed to cover the entire space. Hiring a professional company to conduct a site survey will help ensure that you receive an accurate analysis of your venue space. They will also provide recommendations on how to better optimize the WiFi signal throughout the property.

Use Enterprise-Grade Equipment Designed for Large Facilities

When it comes to WiFi, not all equipment is created equal. You’ll want to ensure you’re using enterprise-grade equipment designed for large venues so that your signal is strong and stable. High-quality access points and routers are necessary to provide a reliable trade show WiFi system.

Work with a Professional WiFi Company

Another great way to improve your WiFi coverage is to work with a professional company specializing in setting up WiFi for venues like yours. They’ll be able to advise you on the best way to set up your network and make sure everything is working correctly. They will also provide on-site tech support during events to ensure your attendees have a great experience.

Hospitality Network As Your Trusted Trade Show WiFi Partner

If you’re looking for a professional company to help you with your WiFi needs, contact the experts at Hospitality Network. With over 40 years of experience providing network technology solutions to hospitality venues, we specialize in providing reliable and fast WiFi for convention centers, hotels, and other large venues. We offer a variety of services, including:

  • Increased Bandwidth & High-Speed Convention Center WiFi
  • Advanced Convention Services & Property-Specific Guest Services
  • WiFi network design, installation, and management
  • Professional sales staffing
  • On-site tech support
  • Marketing enablement and support

We understand that every trade show is different, which is why we offer customized solutions to fit your specific needs. We’ll work with you to determine the best way to set up your network and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you provide an exceptional WiFi experience for your next event. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and provide a free quote for our services.